Hip Hop Showcase

2020 was a challenging, yet transformative year for artists and our organization, too.

We applaud all of those artists who took leaps — tried to new styles of performance, adopted new technology for expression, played with online video and chat, developed new partnerships wrote new songs, made new beats, experimented with mobile apps, tried changing locations, picked up other gig economy work, applied for grants — and did whatever you needed to do to take next steps in your art, craft, and careers.

Thankful to be supporting and connected to a wonderful group of artists across the city of Columbus, state of Ohio, and recent member links out to Nashville, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, and many other places we’ve traversed onto.

Throughout the transformation of 2020, we had a lot of time to think about a decade of wonderful showcases. We looked through photos of friends. We thought about the songs we heard and the community that has come together around writing. And, there were a lot of guitars and pianos in those photos. There were a lot of comments on feedback cards that said, “Sounds like Jason Mraz” or “Kinda like John Mayer.”

And then we thought about the musicians that influence songwriting. Then we thought about songs. And we realized that, yes Norah Jones made an incredible contribution to hit songwriting and compositions, as did Kendrick Lamar, Chance, Kid Kudi, Drake, J. Cole, Logic, and many other songwriters who speak to artists in our city who probably wouldn’t soon perform in our showcases with acoustic guitars and pianos.

Genres are beautiful and need to be explored. With this exploration in mind, we invite our members to come together in celebration of the modern music emerging in 2021 with our first ever Hip Hop Showcase. Our decade practice of listening, learning, considering and enjoying the song, the method, and the artist leading the creation and expression will all be fluent in mind this Thursday, June 24th at Summit Music Hall.

$10 may be a bit to spare for many of our members — and seats will be scarce, but welcoming. Our board and organizing team has 3 tickets left to share with new members. If you’re just getting to know our community, we want to make it easy for you to join us. Just email Joey@ColumbusSongwriters.com and we’ll get your ticket to you.

More showcases coming soon!

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